Compare our instruments

Orba, Chorda, vs. INSTRUMENT 1




Wondering what's the difference between Orba vs. Chorda? INSTRUMENT 1 vs. Chorda? Not sure what instrument is right for you? Here's a side-by-side comparison chart of all Artiphon instruments, so that you can compare! And hey, all our instruments make great friends, so it doesn't hurt to collect them all! 👯‍♀️

How will you play?


Chorda Orba 2 Orba 1 INSTRUMENT 1
Price $249.99 $149.99 $99.99 $299.00
Synth -
Sample engine - -
Import and record - -
Looper -
Nine playing gestures -
Multiple positions - -
MIDI Controller
Quantize - -
Song-length 128 Bars 128 Bars 8 Bars -
Pads 12 8 8 12
Bridge for strumming - -
Built-in arpeggiator - - -
Built-in Speaker -
Rechargeable Battery -

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